Why Am I Here?

Posted by Chad L on February 7, 2020

Finding direction in life is one of our greatest tasks. Without knowing the destination, or at least aiming at a target, you will find yourself aimless and personal growth stagnates. Knowledge of self is crucial to deciding who you want to be and what kind of lifestyle may be ideal for you. I was drawn to software development for many reasons.

Having already experience the workforce at several major tech companies, as a non-crucial employee, It was clear to me within a few years I wasn’t destined to be a low-level cog with low pay and repetitive work tasks. From the outside looking in, the developers were always highly valued. They would make their own hours (or work remotely), get paid very well in comparison, and their contributions were invaluable for product development, analysis, etc.

Having a few extremely successful developer friends was also great, I got to talk with them about their jobs and lifestlyles. The summation, hard work over many years can absolutely pay off as a developer. It’s one of the few jobs where your applicable ability can easily outweigh your network of connections or the name of some University on your resume. If you are a true savage, with nothing more than internet access and persistence, you could possibly learn everything you need to know, and knowledge is power.

That brings us to now. I’m beginning my full stack journey at FlatIron School in order to accelerate my learning beyond free resources. Excited to dig in and take my developing skills!